RESEARCHER INFORMATION                   Jose Joaquin Merino, PhD, Master


     Research Activity:


José Joaquín Merino Matín, PhD, Master. IdiPaz. UCM

Field of research: HIV-1 Neuropathogenesis


(Neuroimmunology/Neuroendocrinology/Chemokines/Neural Plasticiy/Neurodegenerative Diseases and inflammation)


UNED and UCM (School of Medecine, Madrid)
Schollar Research. USA. Postdoctoral fellow
CIB (CSIC). Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas.

Spanish Council Research
Hospital Donostia (Neurogenetics).Instituto Biodonostia. 
Conway Institute of Molecular Biology (Ireland).

UCD. Dept Pharmacology.

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Dept. Complutense University of Madrid (UCM).

Principal research area:

Chemokines and neuronal loss in the CNS of chronically stressed rats: effects on neural plasticity and memory formation

Role of corticosterone and cell adhesion molecules in neurodegeneration and plasticity


Role of chemokines in HIV-1 neuropathogenesis: cell adhesion molecules, chemokines and gp120 cell death in vitro (neurons/microglia)

Role of SDF1 and Fractalkine in the pathogenesis of CNS tumors: regulation by Growth hormone (GH) and Erythropoietin in Neuroblastome/Glioblastome cell line

Research Proyects

 (IP Merino JJ)

Biomarkers of cognitive disfunction in HIV-1 infected patients

Neuroinflammation in patients carriers of PGRN gen mutation

Role of cell adhesion molecules in HIV-1 neuropathogenesis and cerebral ischemia: regulation by cerebrolysin.

Role of chemokine blockers in epilepsy:protective effects of valproate.

Neuroprotection by curcumine in stress and depression.

Brief CV



 Neuroscience (Developmental Psychobiology), Neuropharmacology.

 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience



Certificado de evaluación I3 positivo. Programa ¨Ramón y Cajal¨. Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología.

Premio Asociación Española Farmaceúticos Formulistas. ¨Ansyolitic effect of curcuime in depression: protective  and antiinflammatory effects against excitotoxicity in Neural Progenitor cells (NPC)¨

Active Research  

HIV Neuropathogenesis. Chemokines, cell adhesion molecules, and neuroinflammation in  neurodegenerative diseases

Thesis Director


 ¨Role of chemokines in neurodegeneration and neural plasticity¨


Research Networks

CIBERNED. Neurodegenerative Disease Network

RENEVAS. Neurovascular Research Network

2 Patents and 100 Ingternational congress (Comunications)

30 Conferences (Hospital, University and CSIC)
